How to Manage Expectations From Your Clients During COVID-19 (And What to Do If You Fall Short)

Meeting customer demands during this pandemic can be challenging. Here is how to manage expectations from your clients and what to do if you fall short.
Are you having difficulty meeting client expectations during the pandemic?
If so, you're not alone. Experts estimate the pandemic will cost businesses $2.7 trillion worldwide. This trickle-down effect is impacting companies large and small—and raising everyone's stress levels in the meantime.
You care about your clients and you want to deliver on your promises, but what if their demands are unreasonable? Or what if the current state of the world makes it impossible to meet their expectations?
In this post, we'll provide some expert tips on how to manage expectations during the "new normal." This will ensure a win-win outcome for you and your clients during this difficult time.
Work Together to Clarify Expectations
Your client likely had to make some drastic changes to the way they do business, perhaps even shutting their doors for a while. As the world reopens, you'll need to work together to identify their new baseline and set achievable goals.
As you devise new strategies, make sure your client understands that their business isn't the only thing that's changed. Your own business has also evolved, as has customer behavior around the world.
Be realistic about the situation and acknowledge these changes. Assure your client of your commitment to them (and their business). Then affirm your value to them as you help them identify realistic goals and targets.
Aim For 100% Transparency
There's no need to apologize for poor results during the pandemic, as the situation was out of everyone's control. Instead, acknowledge your client's pain points and reassure them that you're committed to getting back on track.
Be honest about your client's metrics, but don't dwell too long on the negative. Be proactive and create a list of ideas for improving the client's company and revenue.
At the same time, beware about overpromising on variables you may (or may not) be able to deliver. Some experts estimate the crisis could last 18 months or longer. Share as much information as you can with your clients to assure them that you're doing everything in your power to help.
Increase Communication & Feedback
If you aren't already, you should consider sending weekly or bi-weekly reports to your clients. The better they understand how hard you're working for them, the more you'll earn their trust.
You may not be able to hold in-person meetings, but that's no excuse to rely solely on emails. Schedule regular times for phone calls or video conferences so you can keep each other in the loop.
How to Manage Expectations: Help Is Available
Managing client expectations is challenging under the best of circumstances. The current pandemic adds new challenges for businesses, but you can overcome them.
Work with your client to clarify expectations and set realistic goals. Be 100% honest and transparent about what you can and cannot do. You should also increase the amount of communication with your clients to keep them fully informed.
What if you don't have the time or ability to do all these things on your own? It's time to consider outsourcing to a company with a proven track record in excellent customer service.
We can help with every avenue of communication, from email support to call center services. Click here to learn more about our outsourcing solutions and why it could be the answer you're looking for.